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A better structure for your documents – the Korasoft Document Browser

Modern solutions for your documents

Modern facility management has undoubtably taken its lessons from the ever prograssing process of digitization, but there are still unsolved problems. While documentation might no longer fill physical folders by the dozen, they now are way too often instead spread across the corporate servers.

Korasofts new Document Browser helps to better organise and structurise files.

Screenshot zum Korasoft Dokumentenbrowser

A home for every file

Allocate files where they belong: maintenance instructions can be attached to the room or equipment where they are needed, fire regulations can be assigned to a whole building and foto- or status documentations can be added to document the latest construction or renovation progress.

No matter the filetype, with a customized filestructure every document can be allocated properly depending on its purpose. Custozisable access privileges further streamlines the process of finding ones documents.

Screenshot Korasoft Dokumentenbrowser

Access wherever, whenever

To access files wherever they are needed, the Document Browser works within a cloud enviroment: download the latest blueprints on the road and later upload the newest photos on site, all while working on a phone or tablet.

The upload is easily done via the Document Browser or with an integration in other Korasoft Software such as Room.

Standalone and integrated

The standalone Document Browser enables users to compfortably survey all the files that belong to a facility, building, room or equipment. Categorised by intent or within a customisable table every file can be up- or downloaded, edited or deleted. The Browser also includes documents, that were added to the objects via other SAP Modules, giving users an all including overview. A direct Korasoft Room integration enables users further to directly upload documents belonging to the buildings that they are working on.

No matter by which means the Korasoft Document Browser is used, working with facility management related files was never easier.

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